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A gray, Rainy, Biggs Killer Whale Morning

Adventure Whale Watch from Friday Harbor

It was a classic PNW morning as we began our 10am tour out of Friday Harbor; skies were gray. A light sprinkle of rain drenched us as we tore north through the San Juan Channel. We didn’t have a heading at this point as we never really know where whales are going to pop up. As cliché as it sounds, whale watching really is like a box of chocolates out here- who knows who’s going to be around that day let alone where they’re gonna be! As we mention on each of our trips, we work closely within the Pacific Whale Watch Association so there are no secrets between companies in this region. As critters are found, that info is shared amongst researchers and naturalists alike! 

After rounding over the north side of San Juan we received a heads up on the radio that a 23-year-old Bigg’s orca know an T049A1 or “Noah,” was spotted in Victoria Harbor. Given that update we began our transit to the south to meet up with him. 

We found Noah along the Beacon Hill waterfront, his dorsal fin dwarfing the hikers along shore behind him as he hugged the rocky banks of Victoria. We’re unsure why he spends so much time alone- perhaps he's an introvert? Maybe his large family is a bit overwhelming at times and he needs space? Maybe it’s more advantageous to separate from his maturing siblings with less competition for potential partners? The truth is we don’t really know, but it certainly fun to guess. 

We watched him as he trekked north, zigging and zagging through the swell and eventually departing him to trek our way back to Friday Harbor. 

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