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Greeted by an abundance of wildlife

Today was my first day back in the Salish Sea and it didn't disappoint! We started our trip heading north out of Friday Harbor. It was sunny and the seas were calm, which made for smooth sailing. We seemed to spot bald eagles everywhere, perched in trees and flying about. Along Spieden Island we came across a group of at least five huge Steller Sea Lions leisurely rolling around in the water. Further along in our journey we caught a long glimpse of harbor seals hauled out on a small rock. The rock was so crowded with the harbor seals that from a distance they looked like rocks. It wasn't until we came a bit closer that we noticed they were moving. Mixed in the group were at least two small pups! We rounded Stuart Island and checked out Mandarte Island where cormorants, geese, and gulls were nesting. We then started to make our way back and stopped to look at the many mouflon sheep and fallow deer that were lining the hills and rocky coast of Spieden before getting back into Friday Harbor. It was a great first day back!

Kristen, Naturalist, San Juan Safaris

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