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Guest Sends In Orca, Cormorant, Gull, Sea Lion (and more) Photos for the Contest

Schalk August 27, 2011 killer whale aka orca whale off San Juan Island

Schalk August 27, 2011 MV Sea Lion 55' new fast boat San Juan Island

Schalk August 27, 2011 Orca whale off San Juan Island

Schalk August 27, 2011 Orca whale in the mist off San Juan Island

Schalk August 27, 2011 Orca whale breaching off San Juan Island

Schalk August 27, 2011 Orca whale and the Sidney Ferry off San Juan Island

Schalk August 27, 2011 Lions Mane Jelly off San Juan Island

Schalk August 27, 2011 cormorant in flight near San Juan Island

Schalk August 27, 2011 1500 0 2500 lb Stellar Sea Lions near San Juan Island

Schalk 8-27-11 Looks like a Heeramans Gull off San Juan Island

Schalk 8-27-11 Looks like a male orca from the resident orcas taken on a charter

Schalk 8-27-11 Looks like a male orca from the resident orcas taken on a charter

Schalk 8-27-11 Jump! Orca whale.

Schalk 8-27-11 Orca whales on move near San Juan Island

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