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Humpback and Biggs Killer Whales!

Bigg's Killer Whales in Boundary Pass

M/V Sea Lion | Naturalist Alexandria | Saturday, September 6, 2019 | 1:30PM

We had a great day today out on the water!  We started out our trip heading south through San Juan Channel.  Within minutes we were on scene with Biggs Killer whales that had been spotted in San Juan Channel.  We watched them as they swam back and forth off of Lopez Island trending south west. 

After spending some time with these orcas we headed out of San Juan Channel towards some of the banks in Strait of Juan de Fuca and Haro Strait.  Initially we were going to go search for the possibility of a Minke whale, but Captain Erick heard a report of a humpback five miles out.  

After checking with all the passengers on board to ensure that they would be comfortable if we were to extend our trip slightly to see a humpback whale (the answer being yes!) we started heading toward that humpback. 

It was a bit of a bumpy ride but well worth the trek!  We got some great looks at this humpback and their flukes.  We hung out for a bit with this humpback and then began the journey back east to catch up with the orcas we were with earlier, who had since started to head towards the west side of Lopez Island.

We got some more great looks at those orcas before heading back.  On the way we stopped and were entertained by some fantastic Steller Sea Lions before heading back to Friday Harbor.

Until Next Time,

Naturalist Alexandria

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