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A Humpback and Two Families of Transient Orcas!

M/V Kestrel | Saturday, August 24th, 2019 | Naturalist Alexandria | 11AM

We had such a good day on the water!  When we started out the trip Captain Brian had heard a report of orcas a bit on of Victoria.  We started our trek down south through San Juan Channel and began heading out towards these reports. 

We stopped at Whale Rocks and checked out some Steller Sea Lions that were hanging out on the rocks. They were so fun to look at, most were hauled out on the rocks sunning themselves, while some were swimming around the rocks. After spending some time watching them we began heading out into the Strait of Juan de Fuca.

As we were working our way out Captain Brian caught report of some Humpback whales a few miles caught report of some Humpback whales a few miles away but as we were heading out we stumbled upon anther Humpback!

We spent a nice amount of time with this humpback and then headed over to find some orcas!  We got on scene and were treated to some fantastic looks at orcas.  After spending a nice chunk of time with this family we started to head off   but were then excited to happen upon another group that was hanging out right off the west side by Lime Kiln State Park.

We hung out with these orcas for even longer and enjoyed some incredible looks before passing them off to another member of the Pacific Whale Watch Association and returning home to Friday Harbor.

Such a great day!

Until Next Time,

Naturalist Alexandria

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