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Humpback Surprise Near Flattop!


Jordan | M/V Sea Lion | 07/31/2021 2:00pm

Today was the first cloudy day in weeks. But instead of being dreary, it made the surrounding landscape appear even more mystical and mysterious. Captain Pete and I left Friday Harbor in hopes of finding something near Canada, so we headed north.

We cruised through the San Juan Channel and up President’s Channel as we passed Waldron. As we emerged into Boundary, we spotted Canada and admired her elusive beauty from a distance.

Stopping by Patos Island, we spotted a few Harbor Seals lounging on the shore. Just above was an eager bald eagle waiting for its next prey to appear.

As we circumnavigated the island and headed towards Flattop further West, we spotted our first blow. It was a humpback whale!!

As we grew closer we watched as the massive animal showed us her tail. Just before she disappeared, we could see the splotches of white and a few spots and scratches. Looking at the unique markings on her fluke, we identified her as Orion!! Coincidentally, we had an astronomer on board excited to meet a whale named after a constellation! We were all very happy to watch as she travelled around looking for food.

She swam beneath the surface and seemed to disappear for a few minutes when suddenly, BLOW!! She appeared right next to the boat. She made me jump in surprise as she came to visit everyone on board. Captain Pete immediately shut off the engine and we sat in awe as she showed off her massive body.

Eventually we continued on our way enjoying the porpoises popping up everywhere and little seals swimming amongst them.

What a lovely day!

Thank you to everyone on board who made this trip especially pleasant and memorable. You’re all awesome!

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