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Humpback on the west side

Very unusual sighting today…a humpback! It was right on the west side of San Juan Island. We motored around cattle point and saw a bunch of boats in one area. Everyone eagerly searched for what could possibly be nearby. Then we saw the spout followed by its large back. We watched for a while and were able to see it go down for two deeper dives, arching its back and exposing its fluke. Plus, when it exhaled, it sounded like it was wheezing because it made a high pitched, scratchy sound. It was just amazing!

That wasn’t all that we saw today. We saw a minke whale, not so far from where we spotted the humpback. There also were lots of harbor seals in the water and hauled out on the rocks. Plus, at least ten steller sea lions were on top of whale rocks. One of which was attempting to scratch his back using it hind flipper. And finally, we spotted three bald eagles on the way back into Friday Harbor. What an afternoon!

Kristen, Naturalist, San Juan Safaris

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