M/V Sea Lion | Naturalist Alexandria | Friday, October 18th, 2019
What a fantastic day we had out on the water today! We started out our trip and we had a unconfirmed report of orcas north of us. By the time everyone had boarded and we were leaving Friday Harbor a few other boats from our area had confirmed this sighting, and we were excited to head towards them!
Little did we know though that there were still more whales to be seen! As we were leaving the harbor we saw a Humpback whale not more than 5 minutes or so from leaving the dock! What a great start to what was going to prove to be an awesome trip!
After hanging out and watching this humpback whale we knew we needed to continue out trek north to catch up to these orcas. We started heading north towards Turn Point- where those orcas had originally been spotted. Once we got to Turn Point though, we spotted not one but two more Humpback whales traveling! We watched these whales for a few surfacing’s but continued to head north because in the distance we could see Transient Orcas!
We got on scene and got some fantastic looks at these orcas! They were playful, splashing as they traveled along. They were heading north so we hung out with them for about thirty minutes. Eventually it was time to head back south, but on our way back we stopped at Green Point and watched some Steller Sea Lions playing in the water around some Bull Kelp before coming back to Friday Harbor.
Until Next Time,
Naturalist Alexandria