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Humpbacks in the Strait of Juan de Fuca - Our Favorite Baleen Friends :)


[Lauren Fritz, M/V Sea Lion, 08/27/17, 1:30 pm Tour]


Oh my goodness - another amazing afternoon trip out on the water today! We had an amazing encounter with a humpback whale out in the Strait of Juan de Fuca, cruising around while feeding on the many organisms that thrive in our nutrient-rich waters. It was a perfect day out on the water, with calm seas and harbor porpoises galore. Sea lions were lounging out on Whale Rocks, harbor seals were frolicking around, bald eagles soared above us while searching for their next meal. We were surrounded by wildlife, and it was an amazing three hours we had to soak it all in.


Captain Mike took the scenic route home past the south end of Lopez Island, where we got up close and personal with the cliffsides and waved to happy hikers on the land. There's no better perspective than from a boat, in my humble opinion, and today we had some great opportunities to enjoy humpbacks and all other sorts of marine mammals, fish, birds, and invertebrates. Come joing us next time out on the water - it's seriously amazing out here!


Naturalist Lauren

M/V Sea Lion

San Juan Safaris 


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