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If You’re Willing to Go the Extra Mile… Then So Are We!

And that we did today...

With no Orca whale reports in US waters, we decided to “go for it” today, extending our tour, to make the extra trek far north into Canadian waters to see our Southern Residents. We were one of two boats from San Juan Island to make the trip, and man was it worth it!!!

Headed southeast in the Strait of Georgia, we found the K13’s whom were about a mile offshore, north of the coal docks, outside of Vancouver, Canada (48°59.37N 123°10.67W). They were initially traveling, tight knit, and moving together as one, but before we knew it their playfulness kicked in. One adult female began breaching 5 times in a row, and quickly after, an adult male followed in suit.

After watching them for a while they began to break off into smaller groups to forage. 

It may have taken the extra mile, or 30, but there is nothing like be amongst the Southern Residents.

Naturalist Tara, San Juan Safaris

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