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I'm This Parade's Biggest Fan - J's and L's in the Strait of Juan de Fuca

M/V Sea Lion and her passengers witnessed some pretty amazing Southern Resident Killer Whale activity today! We had only to travel a bit south to Cattle Pass to catch up with a large group of J's and L's that were headed west (unfortunately, it looked like they were heading out of the Salish Sea through the Strait of Juan de Fuca). At first sighting, they appeared to be traveling rather quickly, spread out and sporadically slowing down to forage for their main food source, Chinook salmon. But as we had plenty of time to linger and watch, we were able to witness a change in their behavior. They began to swim in a tighter formation, and they came together to play and socialize! We saw lots of rolls and pec fins, some breaching, a couple of chin slaps. It was almost like watching the world's most beautiful, exciting parade!

Blackberry graced us with his presence for a good portion of the trip, socializing with some of his L-pod cronies and having a grand ole time. We were fairly far of the south shore of San Juan Island at this point, and constantly moving west with the whales, so eventually we had to turn back and head home. There was plenty to check out along the way! Lots of Stellar sea lions were hanging out on Whale Rocks, and it was fun to see their big, black eyes checking us out as we motored by. 

I love these parades. Not to mention the calm sea conditions! A PERFECT day to be out on the water.

Blackberry & Friend
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