December 26, 2013 - Sunset over Friday Harbor
We've said it a hundred times, but this fall & winter have been spectacular for whale & wildlife reports. This is the time of year where our Southern Resident Orcas broaden their travel territory greatly, and spend more time in the South Puget Sound. Christmas Day was no different, and we received early reports of J & K pods near Seattle. They swung past Shilshole Harbor & Marina & Discovery Park and mostly did the "Seattle Shuffle." The next day, December 26th, our Resident Orcas traveled in a decidedly northward direction, and gave close shore passes to excited spectators at Point No Point.
We were keeping our fingers crossed here on San Juan Island that J & K pods might make an appearance near San Juan Island. We heard great vocalizations on the Port Townsend hydrophone, which was an indicator that the whales were likely going to continue on their way through the Strait of Juan de Fuca and out to the Pacific Ocean. However, much to our surprise, we started to hear very, very faint Southern Resident vocalizations on the Lime Kiln Lighthouse hydrophone. Surprise! Killer whales did end up making a side  trip to San Juan Island. Although Orcas only visited for a few hours, it was nice to hear their clicks, whistles, and signature Southern Resident calls coming through loud and clear in the Salish Sea.
Brittany Office & Reservations Manager San Juan SafarisÂ