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J-Pod and L-12's once again!!!

We left our Friday Harbor location today, hoping for a great day with the whales in the Salish Sea. We headed south towards Cattle Pass where we saw dozens of harbor seals having a great time foraging. From there, we headed into the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Haro Strait off the south end of San Juan Island where we encountered the L-12's, a smaller sub-group of the larger L-Pod (our resident killer whales). It didn't take long before we recognized L-41 otherwise known as Mega who was born in 1977. Close by to mega was L-25, Ocean Sun, who is estimated to be born in 1928!

Research on our Southern Resident Killer Whales began in 1973, all whales born after this time will have a specific birthday that is known. Any whales born before 1973 will have an estimated birth year such. For more information on the individual whales check out the Center For Whale Research at

Another beautiful day on the water while watching some spectacular whale behavior.

Heather, Naturalist, San Juan Safaris

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