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J Pod Braves the Waves

J Pod made an appearance this past week traveling through Haro Strait.  With exceptionally high winds this week, the Haro has been rougher than usual, but this did not stop J Pod from trudging through.  In the summer months the Haro Strait is often very calm, as it is very protected by Vancouver Island.  During winter months, the normally placid waters around San Juan, can become windswept and whitecaped.

Of the 3 Southern Resident Pods, J Pod stays closest to home during the winter months.  K and L pods are often spotted off the coast of Oregon and California.  K and Ls are sometimes seen as far south as Monterey Bay California.  Each summer the 3 South Resident Pods return to the waters surrounding San Juan Island in order to feed upon salmon that are traveling to the Fraser River in Canada.   Salmon run past the west side of San Juan Island in high concentrations, making it an excellent place to grab a bite to eat.

We hope to see all of the Southern Residents eating up a storm this coming summer season!


Office Manager, San Juan Safaris

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