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J Pod Jubilation

J Pod Jumping

Jordan | June 20, 2018 | M/V Sea Lion | 5:30 sunset

Captain Pete, Alexandria and I journeyed out of Friday Harbor for the 5:30 sunset tour on our quest to find the whales! The M/V Sea Lion headed north up the San Juan Channel, through the Spieden Channel to the West coast of Henry Island.

Here we found a group of Southern Resident orca whales! In fact, J pod was having a wonderful time scanning the shoreline for their salmon. We watched the whales jump and spy hop and slap the water with their tails! In fact, we even saw a couple breaches! The guests went wild. We slowly followed this group up to Stuart Island, past Turn Point and up to Canadian waters off of Saturna Island. They swam close together, touching pectoral fins which showed us a good representation of social bonding.

Eventually we headed back towards Friday Harbor. However, we first cut down through John’s Pass, passing by seals swimming in the water amongst kelp forests. Then, we found even more seals lounging on some rocks off of Spieden Island! We even caught a glimpse of a couple pups! Then suddenly, we see movement on Spieden Island! We draw closer and see mouflon sheep bounding all across the hilly landscape. There was even a tiny, bright white baby sheep!

Nature never fails to bring smiles to anyone lucky enough to witness its wonders.

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