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J Pod right off of Henry Island!

Couldn't have asked for a better day on the water. Captain Mike, Naturalist Kevin, and myself were lucky enough to take out a great wedding party. The rainy skies cleared away for a beautiful sunny day and we only had to turn the corner out of Roche Harbor to spot J Pod. Couldn't get any easier! While watching off of Henry Island, J Pod seemed to be moving quickly along the coastline. We got to witness lots of porpoising and the occasional breaching. It was great to see these whales moving at speed. Orcas can reach 30 mph at top speed! These are amazing animals and it always a great day when we get to see them in their element. Best of luck to the newlyweds, it was a great way to start off a new marriage.

Caitlin, Naturalist, San Juan Safaris

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