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Js Ks and Ls

We headed out of Friday Harbor with some very fun and excited passengers.  Our first stop was right around the corner with some harbor seals hauled out on the rocks and we even saw a tiny little pup trying to climb on its moms back while swimming in the current.  We continued on through Cattle Pass and quickly found a great group of Orcas near False Bay.  As we slowly approached and started watching one group, we saw even more whales in every direction around us.  The word from other vessels on the scene was that Ks and Ls were moving in to the area to hang out with the Js.  It seemed like just about every member of the Southern Resident Community was spread from close to shore to the Olympic Peninsula.  It was incredible!

Unfortunately we had to head back to the harbor, but on the way we encountered a Minke whale as well as the most harbor seals I've ever seen around the boat playing and feeding in the tide rips.  Another great day on the water!

Mike - Naturalist

San Juan Safaris

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