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K Pod travels south at high speeds!

What a day!! I really couldn't have asked for a prettier San Juan island afternoon and evening: sunny sky's, warm weather, great people, oh,  and of course killer whales. The M/V Sea Lion met K pod traveling south from Stewart Island. As soon as we got on scene one came out of the water in a full breach!! You just never know what you're going to see when orcas are involved, lucky for us!

We turned the motor off and watched as members of K Pod traveled south, porpoising out of the water at high speeds! For some reason, when these whales are coming down from a Fraser River run (to feed on that Chinook Salmon), they always seem to kick it in high gear in between Stewart and Henry Island. When killer whales are traveling at high speeds, the most effective means of travel is by doing this proposing behavior. It's amazing to watch the water streaming off their body! We saw breaches, tail slaps, and even some spyhopping. K12 (Sequim) was there along with her offspring, K22, K37, and K43. We always love seeing this family! I can't wait to get out there today!


Heather, Naturalist, M/V Sea Lion

San Juan Safaris Orca Whale Watching

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