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Killer Whales off the West Side of San Juan Island

We left Friday Harbor today with our hopes set high on encountering our Southern Resident Killer Whales. This was the first time we have seen our Killer Whales since Saturday, and we were very happy to welcome them back. We headed out through Cattle Pass and into the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Our guests braved the high seas with enthusiasm and wonderful questions while waiting to get on seen with the whales!

L-41 (Mega) was there to welcome us as he appeared out of the water, with his towering dorsal fin cutting through the blue sky ahead of us. He's always very charismatic and was hopefully getting his fill of Chinook Salmon! Only four members of L-Pod were seen today, they were getting down to business, trying to consume 300-400 lbs of Chinook Salmon. Since this particular type of Orca only eat salmon, the health and movement of the Chinook Salmon will dictate the health and movement of our Resident Orcas.

Even though the seas were a little rough, we all had a wonderful time on the water. We had one family from Australia and a little nine year old boy that was full of questions! I love when we get the opportunity to build long lasting relationships with our guests. A child's  curiosity is unmatched, we should all try to see the world through their eyes at times. All in all, it was a great day, great sightings, and great people!

Heather, Naturalist, M/V Sea Lion

San Juan Safaris



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