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L pod returns

It has been a few days since we have seen L pod (or the Southern Residents in general)  and we can only assume that means they have gone off in search of food in the Pacific, but today we were in luck!  This  afternoon reports came in that they were headed towards San Juan Island. As we headed off for our afternoon trip we decided to go south around the tip of San Juan Island and over to false bay to greet them. Before we could get there we stumbled upon a stellar sea lion swimming in Cattle pass. Always a treat to see their massive heads, but you get a real appreciation for how big they really are when they are hauled out on the land. We traveled over to Whale Rocks and saw many of them basking in the sun. These animals can weigh anywhere between 1500-3000 lbs.  We did not make it out of cattle pass before we were stopped again, but this time it was a Minke Whale. A few good looks at this baleen whale and we were off again.

We had heard L Pod was at  Discovery Island shortly before we departed on our trip. By the time we reached them they had crossed Haro Strait and were traveling by False Bay on San Juan Island. We watching as many adult males, a few females, and a female with her calf travel and fish along the west side.

We were glad to have the orcas back in our area. Although we love all the wildlife that resides here in the San Juans, the orcas are always a special treat and it was great to see them yet again!

Over and out,

Casey and Ashley

Naturalists at San Juan Safaris

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