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Lime Kiln Killer Whales!

Bigg's Orcas

June 10, 2018 | M/V Sea Lion | 5:30 Sunset 

Today the 5:30 sunset tour hosted a small group of enthusiastic whale lovers! Captain Pete and I heard reports of orcas heading north along the east side of San Juan Island so we decided to head around the north end of the island and down the east side to meet them.

As we neared Lime Kiln, the first spouts were detected! Eventually we realized that multiple groups were swimming around the boat: the T86s, T100s and T101s. These beautiful whales gave our guests quite a picturesque show as they surfaced beneath glowing sunbeams and shimmering rainbows. The different family groups would swim together, divide into separate groups but then meet up again, always traveling in the same direction. This was a great example of how orcas can communicate across vast expanses of water. Even though these groups weren’t together for the entire journey, they still knew exactly where the other pods were and which direction they were headed.

As the whales led us back up toward Henry Island, we broke off to check out harbor seals lounging on a small rocky island. These marine mammals seemed perfectly content basking in the setting sun, unaware of any danger lurking nearby.

As we said goodbye to the seals, we headed toward Speiden Island to search for any exotic fauna. Approaching the steep, grassy, sloping South side of Speiden we were lucky enough to see herds of mouflon sheep! They bounded across the grass and clambered across rocky outcrops near the waters edge. These European sheep, along with various other exotic species, were originally brought to the island to be hunted for sport but, were left on the island long after the business was shut down. Seeing them today was such a fun way to end an already exciting day!

While heading back towards Friday Harbor and pondering the day’s adventure, I couldn’t help but wonder what they next day’s journey would bring.

Naturalist Jordan

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