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A little bit of Everything

Another calm clear day around San Juan Island.  We were able to find most of the Southern Residents heading north past the west side of the island.  As we came on scene we found a nice group of about 10 animals traveling together.  It was difficult to get good IDs but there was one adult male with the group.  We got to enjoy their company for a while as they moved towards Turn Point.  They exhibited a nice range of behaviors including porpoising, spy hopping, tail lobbing, and even a few breaches!  The water was calm and the lighting was just right for our passengers to get some good photos.

On the way home we encountered some bald eagles and harbor porpoise.  Just when we thought the trip was done and we were pulling in the harbor we even saw a harbor seal surface with a HUGE salmon in its mouth.  It chowed down as we watched.  Very cool end to a great day.


Captain - San Juan Safaris

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