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Long Distance Sightings

Victoria, B.C. with orca and ship. Photo courtesy of Jeanne Hyde

What is the measure of a whale watching adventure?  Well, today it was distance.  Capt. Mike decided that our options were to go big or stay home and staying home was not actually an option.  So, venturing further than prudence dictates, we sought out the orcas beyond the visible limits of San Juan Island.  Beyond even the limits of Victoria, B.C.

The water was calm and the sun was shining and lucky us we were directed to a family group from L pod that was traveling well away from the rest of the pod, so we got to have them all to ourselves.  It was an adult male and female with a sprouter (teenage) male tagging along.  Sally and I could not agree on the identity of the group, but we ruled out anyone from J or K pods.

The three orcas seemed to be in a resting pattern since they were swimming so slowly and matching each others breathing rates.  The big male still rewarded us with two cartwheels though and the female spyhopped nearly half of her body length out of the water to get a good look at us.  Not long after other whale watch companies showed up, but it was time for us to move off anyway.  We had had our fun and the long distance trip over water was well worth it.  The tide helped carry us both directions and we made great time, so that we could spend some quality time with the big black-and-whites.

We waved goodbye to the shiny towers of Victoria Harbor and the shiny black dorsal fins of the orcas and returned to the quaint nuances of Friday Harbor.  We made a promise to return though and return we will, with good waters and breezes to carry us on.  So, from all of us at San Juan Safaris, to all of you who dream of far off places with magical creatures, thank you and we will...

See You In The Islands!

~Tristen, Naturalist

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