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May 2 Aboard the Sea Lion

Another great day out on the water! Following a similar route around Spieden Island, through the Cactus Islands, and channel between Stewart and John’s Islands we saw a lot of great wildlife! Stellars were enjoying the sun, belly up in the water at Spieden point, and numerous Harbor Seals were catching the rays on any rock space available between Spieden and Mandarte. We also saw about 5 or so Bald Eagles along the tops of the tree line. Once we came around the northwestern point of Stewart Island our Captain caught a quick glimpse of what appeared to be a porpoise, so we cut the motor and were able to catch a good showing of about 3 or 4 Harbor Porpoises milling around. We then rounded Mandarte to check out the gulls, geese, and Cormorants and headed back along the southern side of Spieden. There we found multiple Sika Deer and Mouflan sheep. As we were passing back by the point, the Stellar Sea Lions appeared to be in the same location we left them so this time we were able to get an even closer look. On our way home it seemed as though the Harbor Seals couldn’t get enough of us as we continued to see them swimming nearby all the way into Friday Harbor.

Naturalist Tara


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