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Minke Whale! and Harbor Seals! and Steller Sea Lions! and...

Within minutes of leaving Friday Harbor, we found over 20 Harbor Seals, including several pups, resting on the shores of Turn Point.  We then saw 7 Steller Sea Lions sprawled out on Whale Rocks taking advantage of the beautiful weather and soaking up the sunshine.   These large, male Sea Lions were clearly enjoying their afternoon siestas.  Next Captain Jim spotted a Minke Whale near Salmon Bank at the southern end of San Juan Island (48°25.19N, 122°58.14W).  The whale surfaced several times as it traveled west before taking a deeper dive.  As we waited for the whale to re-surface we all enjoyed relaxing in the sunshine on the flat calm seas and watching the Common Murres and Rhinoceros Auklets paddle by.  The Minke Whale then surprised us and the seabirds by surfacing 200 yards away and causing the birds to scatter in all directions.  On the way back we stopped by Long Island to catch a glimpse of a mature bald eagle.  Yay!  Another amazing day in the Salish Sea!

Naturalist Amy, San Juan Safaris Whale Watching and Wildlife Tours 

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