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Minkes Foraging Off Of Salmon Bank!

Just another great day out on the water! Captain Mike, myself, and our small group of passengers were able to enjoy a very peaceful sunset tour complete with glistening seas and Minke Whales! Heading out of Friday Harbor, we were able to spot Minke Whales feeding right off of Salmon Bank. This was the same region we spotted them earlier in the day feeding. Although this time around we were the only boat around, lending itself to a much more personal and intimate tour. The Minke Whales held up their end of the bargain when two decided to surface just off the bow of our boat, giving some of our guests quite the shock. We were able to get 3 or 4 great looks at the Minkes foraging over Salmon Bank before we decided to head on over to Long Island where we took bets on whether or not our nesting pair of Bald Eagles would be in for the night. Captain Mike won this round since both male and female Bald Eagles were resting above their nest site. And what a large nest it is! Bald Eagles nest can reach up to 2,000 lbs! And with that fact I will end this blog with a bit of a riddle "Forwards I'm heavy, backwards I'm not. What am I?".  Best of luck!


Caitlin, Naturalist- M/V Sea Lion, San Juan Safaris

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