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Minkes, Humpbacks, Harbor Porpoise and a Brown Booby!

M/V Sea Lion | Naturalist Alexandria | Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What a great day we had today!  It was probably one of the most perfect fall days!  We left the dock and were so excited to see what the day had in store for us.  We headed north up San Juan Channel and caught up with some Minke Whales off Flat Top island.  We had previously stopped there to check out some Harbor seals that were hanging out on the rocks, and had also seen an eagle fly by and land on the cliff just in front of us!

After spending some time watching these Minke Whales swimming around us, Captain Sarah noticed an unexpected site....  a Brown Booby bird surfing on a log near by.  Well by surfing I mean happily perched on said log, but it was still a fun thing to see... especially since the Brown Booby is seen so rarely here!  It is calculated that a Brown Booby can be seen in this area about once every ten years or so!  How cool that we got to see it today!

Afterwards we continued north and were lucky to pick up two Humpback whales chilling.  I know the term chilling isn't perfectly scientifitc, but there really was no other word for what they were doing!  They were swimming and relaxing, and giving us some great looks!  We hung out with these two, one we had discovered to be MMX007 aka Bond.  They were a great find!

It was a perfect fall trip!

Signing off for now,

Naturalist Alexandria

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