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Misty Afternoon Spent With Killer Whales

Well, well, well, we have whales again! It's been a great summer with lots of whales and today was no different. Unlike the past few days, the whales decided to take a jaunt up north towards Active Pass in Canadian waters. This was quite alright with Captain Mike, Naturalist Heather, passengers aboard M/V Sea Lion, and myself, since we are always a fan of crossing over into the friendly waters of our Canadian Neighbors. Aside from the occasional warnings that pop up on your cellphone, the sheer cliff-sides and calm waters associated with the Gulf Islands are more than enough to make up for those pesky warnings. And I'd say the whales agree, since we were accompanied by not only J pod, but also members of L Pod as well!

The resident orcas appeared to be in resting mode, slowly meandering up through Swanson Channel just west of South Pender Island. Not a bad place to watch them cruising along as the fog slowly creeped along the tops of the islands, and the orcas below releasing powerful breaths. It was quite the beauty overload today, and was only enhanced by the misty afternoon weather! Here's hoping for another true pacific northwest feeling day on the water!


Caitlin, Naturalist

San Juan Safaris, M/V Sea Lion

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