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Moving up stream

What a beautiful day for a whale watch!  Sunny, warm and calm waters. The whales were reported to be off the west side of San Juan Island but by the time we were off and running they had made their way up to Saturna island. These whales were moving really fast! Captain Mike positioned us just ahead of the leaders and far enough away from other boats to lower our hydrophone (our underwater microphone). Wow they were really making a lot of noise! The tide was changing and the whales were headed against the current but it definitely was not slowing them down. They went through an area of exceptionally strong current and began to breach, spy hop and tail slap. Our guests were real troopers riding through the waves having almost as much fun as the whales appeared to be!

On the ride back we stopped to observe some harbor seals enjoying the warm sun. These days were are seeing more and more pups.  Last but not least just as we rounded the corner to turn back into the harbor we spotted a young bald eagle. All in all it was just another spectacular day here in the San Juan Islands!


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