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M/V Sea Lion Heads North.

Long trek to get to the whales today. Earlier reports had transient, our marine mammal-eating orcas, near Captains Pass heading Northeast towards Active Pass. By the time M/V Sea Lion got there from Friday Harbor the whales were at the mouth of Active Pass. Although this was a long trip to the transients, it was also well worth it! Traveling through the Canadian Gulf Islands is always a favorite of our staff and passengers, because of the sheer cliffsides and the narrow passages. This is a great backdrop while observing whales, and today was no different. We were able to hang out with T-30's for a good amount of time as we followed them halfway up Active Pass. They seemed to be in resting behavior for the majority of the time. Very slowly meandering up the pass, synchronizing while surfacing. This behavior made for some great looks before we had to start our journey back to the US boundary line. All in all it was a great day for whale watching and we were able to out run the rain that seemed to be lingering in the distance!

Caitlin, Naturalist- M/V Sea Lion, San Juan Safaris

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