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A New Family of Biggs Killer Whales off Sucia Island

Maxx K. | M/V Osprey | 06/26/2022 | 12:30pm

    Today was hotter than hades! No doubt about it, summer is officially here. 

    Osprey slowly put putted its way out of Friday Harbor, north through the San Juan Channel and around again into Presidents Channel. A family of Biggs Killer Whales known as the T036A’s had been picked up right outside Friday Harbor a few hours before and had already made it to Sucia Island, north west of Orcas. 

    The T036A’s were a new family to me, being made up of: 

T036, “Flapjack”

T036A, “Leland”

T036A1, “Tierna”

T036A2, “Kailas”

T036A3, “Mike III / Storm”

And T036A5 who has yet to be named as its still a fresh young nugget. 

They surfaced in unison however tiny little T036A5 would always emerge just before the rest, perhaps not able to hold its breath as long as its mom and older siblings. This wee babe is still a pretty significant animal though, estimated to be approximately seven feet long and weighing in at over 300lbs on average (about the same size as Shaquille O’Neal for context). 

This tiny calf will nurse a fatty milk from its mother for upwards of two years before slowly being weaned off and onto actual prey sources like harbor seals and porpoises. 

We paralleled alongside the family for approximately 20 minutes before turning away, slowly making our way back down President's Channel. We made one last pit stop at White Rocks to admire a pair of Bald eagles and a smattering of Harbor seals that sunned themselves along the rocky shoreline. 

Oh to be a harbor seal, lounging in the sun, surrounded by friends, your only fear being ripped apart by killer whales. Sorry, the heat might be getting to me...

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