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New Old Faces

There have been some subtle changes in the Salish Sea of late. Common murres have been flooding in, little phalaropes are again congregating at current lines, and it seems that another Steller’s sea lion adds itself to the slumberfest at Whale Rocks each day. In the coming days and weeks other migratory waterfowl like loons, grebes, and scoters will arrive from northern breeding and feeding sites. We’ve recently ended our sunset tours because darkness was beating us to the docks. All signs that summer is rapidly drawing to a close.

The whales are still here though! Yesterday we saw Bigg’s killer whales near Victoria. The day before, we watched Southern Resident orcas and humpbacks in the same tour. Today we marveled at numerous minke whales feeding at Salmon Bank. At one point we had a minke surfacing a fish’s throw from the bow of the mighty M/V “Sea Lion.” Mugged by a minke again!

I’m not looking forward to the shorter days, but bring on the Fall and all the new, old faces that come with it.

Naturalist, M/V Sea Lion
San Juan Safaris

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