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No Fish Left Behind; A Minke’s Motto

Just south of Salmon Bank, about 2-3 miles offshore of San Juan Island, we came across a Minke on a mission (48°22.9’ N, 122°55.9’W). This Minke was on the hunt, moving from bait ball to bait ball, no fish left behind. After only a few minutes of watching him, it became almost predictable as to where he would pop up next; just look for the birds man!! Between dining episodes, the whale would immediately pick up its’ pace surfacing multiple times toward the next meal in sight. It’s not typical to see these whales so surface active, but this Minke was on a mission, its’ longest dives lasting only 2 minutes!

After enjoying the Minke and some sunshine we headed back for Friday Harbor looping around Long Island and Whale Rocks. On Long Island we discovered a mating pair of bald eagles along with their GIANT nest. At Whale Rocks we found 5 male Stellar Sea Lions hauled out, along with a female and even a pup! As we began to round Brown Island we thought our tour was coming to an end, but wouldn’t ya know it, another Minke Whale popped up out of nowhere, just outside the harbor.

What a day for whales and wildlife!

Naturalist Tara, San Juan Safaris

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