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Orca Whales In the Strait of Georgia!

Jordan | M/V Sea Lion | 07/29/19 | 1:30pm

What a lovely day out on the water! I really enjoyed talking with all my guests. They were a great group.

Captain Sarah, Naturalist Alexandria and I took our vessel, the Sea Lion, out of Friday Harbor and sped up through the San Juan Channel.

We boated up towards this little island near Waldron Island and spotted tons of seals! These harbor seals lounged lazily amongst the wet rocks and snuggled up against each other as they fought the rising tides. You could tell they were really enjoying the sunshine.

Then we continued further north across Boundary Pass, past Saturna Island and into Canadian waters. In the Strait of Georgia, near White Rocks in the distance, we found orca whales! We watched this amazing group of transient orcas swimming and travelling and looking for food.

Suddenly, all the whales turned and circled this one spot. They dove and splashed and swam aggressively when all of a sudden, we saw blood!! So much blood! It was crazy. They had caught and killed something! We believe it was a porpoise because, just minutes before, we saw a few harbor porpoises swimming obliviously nearby! Everyone was really excited as we watched the circle of life in action right before our eyes! Even the little baby orca was swimming excitedly near the blood pool, showing us his tiny tail as he dove down!

We watched as these orcas swam about and continued on with their travelling and socializing while potentially scanning the water for more prey.

Everything was really peaceful as we shut off our engines a few times and enjoyed the silence of the still waters and relished in the surrounding beauty.

Eventually we headed back towards San Juan Island, very happy with an exciting day!

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