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Wow! Yesterday (Saturday) was unreal! We were out on a morning tour in Canadian Waters viewing Orcas from J & K pods! It was a stunning morning on the water...a little fog to the south, otherwise clear skies & calm seas all around the islands. Both J & K pods were heading south from the Gulf Islands on their routine swim following salmon through these waters. We had great views as groups of whale would surface to breathe...and we could hear the blows (hot moist air) being expelled through the blowhole! A few breaches...tail slaps! After a great time with the whales, we were able to find a few bald eagles perched on trees and harbor seals lounging on the rocks. It was a perfect day!

Were we in for a surprise!! We were heading home when Captain Denny and I overheard our other vessel the Sea Lion talking to another captain about the whales. We looked at each other and wondered how can they already be there? They just left Friday Harbor not more than 20 minutes ago...we phoned the boat and to our disbelief L pod was in San Juan Channel!! More Orcas!! Right outside our home port of Friday Harbor. This happens on occasion (once a year?), but it is really unusual and such a treat!! Our guests were delighted! We were somewhat trapped from even getting into the harbor actually....the ferry even had to shutdown and wait for the whales to pass! There were a lot of boats out to also view the's important that we all remember during this excitement to disengage a vessel's transmission when within 100 yards of the Orcas, and whenever possible to be respectful and give them the 100 yards of space as required by law! Despite the boats, they sure seemed to be enjoying themselves...breach after breach and tail slaps as they continued south through the channel! Wow.

An unbelievable day with the whales!
-Jaclyn, naturalist

Orca Whales and Wildlife Are Our Only Business. ©

San Juan Island near Seattle: Home to the Southern Resident Killer Whales
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