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Orcas Galore in the Salish Sea

With another beautiful day in the San Juans, Captain Mike, Caitlin, and I were thrilled to have great guests on board the boat and positive reports of resident orcas. Captain Mike steered us north toward the south end of Pender Island in Canada. We encountered a group of about 14 orcas consisting of member of L pod and K pod. These orcas were displaying resting patterns traveling slowing north. We were able to drop the hyrophone in and listen in on their conversations! After traveling with these whales for a while, we thought we would go try and find some other wild life the area has to offer. On the way south we were surprised to run into another group of resident orcas! This group included K pod and J pod members! Guests were delighted to see many breaches and tail slaps form these whales as they passed our boat. After the second group of orcas faded away, we continued on our way to find more creatures of the San Juans. Six bald eagle sightings later we were headed toward home. A combination of beautiful weather, wonderful guests, and truly amazing orca sightings, made this trip one for the books!

Naturalist Emily
M/V Sea Lion, San Juan Safaris!

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