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Orcas - Three Days in a Row!!

Left Friday Harbor around 1:30 with reports of Southern Residents in the Strait of Juan De Fuca heading our way.  We cruised down San Juan Channel and out towards the reports hoping to come across them.  The trip out was beautiful with clear views of the Olympic Mountains and glassy, flat water.  It took us well over an hour to reach the area of the last reported whales, but it was well worth the trip.

J-pod was cruising steadily east.  Our passengers were very excited to see multiple breaches, spyhops, tail slaps and some swimming on their backs.  We were able to positively identify 'Mike' and 'Blackberry' out of the group.  We had a lot of first time whale watchers on board so they got very spoiled with a great first encounter!

On our way home we even encountered a Minke Whale!  And just before entering the channel home we spotted lots of Steller Sea Lions making noise on the rocks and a pair of Bald Eagles perched on the rocks as well!


Mike - Naturalist

San Juan Safaris

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