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Peaceful Wanderings

As the orcas sought food and adventure in the waters of the pacific, so we sought peace and relaxation amongst the islands. We were without whales today, but our guests did not suffer for it. Capt. Nancy took the MV Sea Lion, guest naturalist Russell and me on a beautiful wildlife cruise under warm sunny skies.

Harbor seals with pups were on every corner and I lost count of all of the bald eagles that we saw. Mouflon sheep, along with sika and fallow deer, were all out on Spieden Island and the humped back and dorsal fins of harbor porpoises could be seen all around us. Even our tans were enhanced by the clean air, clear skies and golden reflections off of the calm waters.

At Turn Point on Stuart Island we were alerted of a peregrine falcon nest and fledgling, but were unfortunately unable to find them in the trees. Russell treated us to the stories behind some of the unusual homes found on the island though and I stunned the crowd when I told them about the one-room schoolhouse. The islands never cease to amaze and they rarely fail to impress. Such is life in this gem of the Pacific Northwest.

So, until the next time that you visit, thank you from all of us at San Juan Safaris and we will...

See You In The Islands!
~Tristen, Naturalist

Orca Whales and Wildlife Are Our Only Business. ©

San Juan Island near Seattle: Home to the Southern Resident Killer Whales
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