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Playful K-pod in Haro Strait

Captain Mike, Naturalist Kevin and myself were lucky enough to show our 1:30 guests and our 5:30 guests a playful K-pod! We departed from Friday Harbor and headed south for both trips to meet with the orcas on the west side of San Juan Island.
Our 1:30 guests were able to see our K-pod members just off of Lime Kiln State Park. We saw several of them breaching and porpoising throughout the water. We had one large male, Lobo, follow us and guests got a great view of the 20 year old male.
On our 5:30 trip, guests got to see the same group but a more playful group. It looked as though every member of K-pod was playing with one another. We had a lot of orcas breaching, spy hopping, and barrel rolls on the surface!
To end our trips we decided to circumnavigate San Juan Island. By going north this lets our guests get a view of the whole island and the beautiful scenery here!

Aimee-Naturalist, M/V Sea Lion
San Juan Safaris

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