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Porpoising and porpoises

J pod porpoised north along the west coast of San Juan Island, as each breath exposed most of their flanks. Traveling at great speeds, the orcas manipulated the drag of water to propel their colossal bodies forward and out into the frictionless air. The pod was separated into smaller groups which were in tight formations. We identified Riptide (J-30) in the first trio and later saw a group of four which included Mike (J-26).
The excitement continued as we entered the narrow chutes of Cattle Pass on our return to Friday Harbor. Within the strong currents our boat strained through, there were over thirty harbor seals enjoying the food it transports. Once back in calm waters, we were suddenly surrounded by numerous harbor porpoises which are normally elusive and seen individually or in small groups. We turned off the engine and listened to their exhales as they passed in front and behind our boat.

Kirsten, naturalist

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