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A Proud Day for San Juan Safaris, Friday Harbor, San Juan Island WA

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

All staff,

With a spectacular spring day, the MV Sea Lion and crew (Captain Craig and MikeO) headed north with our special charter of Western States Agency Policy Makers.

Ken Balcomb, of The Center for Whale Research, Kari Koski of The Whale Museums SoundWatch program and me were asked to describe in our view, the process that lead to the new NOAA rules.  We were asked how those new rules would affect the whale watching industry and how they might affect the orca whales themselves.

Yesterday was what I call a “World Bank” day. In my past I have educated young children, then teenagers, then more influential adults.  It became clear to in my forties how short life really is.  I realized that if I were to make a difference, I needed to be talking to the “World Bank”

The people aboard the Sea Lion tour yesterday are mid-level managers through the northwest. The group was brought together by a bright, kind and gentle man who is making a real difference in the western United States as he develops and facilitates seminars relating to resource issues.  His name is Mike Crouse.

It was Ken Balcomb who said that “These are serious people and I am impressed. Maybe there is hope for the future.”

What I want you to realize is that not every day is a “World Bank” day, but someone who you may have on your tour may just be waiting for that positive message that you deliver.

Please know that a few facts well-delivered with enthusiasm and conviction can make a big difference.

We did that yesterday.

Bill Wright

Owner, San Juan Safaris Whale Watching & Wildlife Tours

Natural Resource Charter May 17, 2011

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