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Rain to the North but Minke Whales to the South

With storm clouds and rain to the north, we started heading south towards Cattle Pass.  Word on the quiet ocean: Minke whales were in the neighborhood.

Passing several plump harbor seals hauled out off Cattle Point, we motored out to Salmon Bank and then Hein Bank, areas known for schools of herring and, subsequently, birds and marine mammals feeding on the abundant food source.  A female and calf Minke whale were seen by other vessels in the area.  At Hein Bank, we spotted several more Minkes nearby.  One curious creature passed within 120 yards of our vessel, bringing its rostrum--the top of its head--out of the water a few times.  It's rare that we glimpse more than the dorsal fin of a Minke whale!  Despite an absence of sea birds, it is possible that these Minkes were foraging.  In total, there were four animals spread out over several hundred yards.

Along our return trip, we saw two pairs of large (male?) Stellar sea lions hauled out and upright on Whale Rocks off Lopez Island.  The second pair appeared to be communicating or arguing with one another as they were both vocalizing into the others face.  Harbor porpoises made themselves known on our trip as well, though for just a quick glimpse of a gray dorsal fin or two.

Serena, Naturalist

San Juan Safaris

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