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Rainy day doesn’t keep the whales away

It wasn’t exactly the nicest day on San Juan Island, but having it rain did not prevent us from going out and seeing the wildlife the Salish Sea has to offer. We first saw a bald eagle perched in a dead looking tree. Then, we saw some whales I haven’t seen for over two months…transients! There were four of them, traveling very quickly, their dorsal fins waving in front of us. It was the T-19 group, and I love seeing the transients because they are really the coolest, top predator of the sea! After spending time with them we headed back to Friday Harbor, taking a scenic route around Orcas Island. Through this area we spotted another bald eagle, as well as a blue heron, some harbor seals, and a few harbor porpoises. This rainy day definitely did not keep any of the wild life away.

Kristen, Naturalist, San Juan Safaris

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