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Remembering the Fun in Life: A Day of Orca Inspiration

Today was the kind of day the whales inspired me to remember childhood ways (not too far buried for me, I must admit). Cartwheeling - when the orcas throw their back-end and tail out of the water and over their heads - seemed to be the activity of the day. The orcas performed this behavior for us over and over and over again! If we weren't rocking back and forth upon a boat (safety first!) the southern residents may have inspired me to do a cartwheel or two myself!

Captain Craig, the guests, and I cruised north, meeting members of J Pod off of Kellet Bluff on Henry Island. Henry Island is just northwest of San Juan Island. The whales weren't far from Friday Harbor, providing us with plenty of time to watch them. We started the whale watching portion of the trip watching the Southern Resident Community's most famous member Ruffles, or J1. He traveled along in the lead, not an uncommon behavior for this old guy. After he had passed up by he sharked around up ahead of us as our one o'clock, appearing for roll onto his right side and slowly swim along the surface. After this great viewing, we watch a few whales traveling past us, heading toward Turn Point. Eventually, a large group of tail-slapping, pec-slapping, cartwheeling orcas came past our port side. They were socializing in a way I personally haven't seen yet all season. After they passed by us, we watched them continue their antics all the way up to Stuart Island. In this large group was one adult male, many females (or younger males), a few young animals, and a very young calf. I also saw J26, Mike, having some alone time with a female I was unable to identify. The only orcas I identified today were members of J Pod, but I heard talk of K Pod over the radio and there were many animals I saw that I didn't ID.

We had a FANTASTIC time with the orcas. I saw some behaviors I had not yet seen this year. Although I know I am speculating, the whales seemed to be having as great a time as we were. Now that I'm back on land my inspiration has yet to dwindle. I'm off to do a few cartwheels in honor of my marine mammal friends. Who says you have to grow up? Take the orca's inspiration, too, and join me, won't you?

Until tomorrow!

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