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Resident Orcas today!

     Yesterday Transients Orcas, today Residents Orcas! Traveling all the way to Mouat Point off North Pender Island, Canada, we caught up with members of J and K pod. Although the Orcas kept us on the move, we paused long enough to see foraging, plenty of tail-slapping, a slow-motion spy-hop by Sekiu (K-22), and an excellent full-body breach! It was also a treat to clearly hear vocalizations on our hydrophone.

     A stop at Green Point on Speiden Island on the way home gave us a good look at a noisy group of Stellar Sea Lions all perched upright at the water’s edge. We began and ended the trip with sightings of adult Bald Eagles just inside the marina.

     Another spectacular day on the water. Despite starting off with a thrilling ocean-spray ride north (all slickers were in use), the skies cleared, the whales graced us with their presence, and we celebrated another spectacular day on the water on glassy seas and under sunny skies.


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