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Residents back on the west side this evening!

Woo! After a few days without our residents I was feeling a little separation anxiety from them. Not that our whale watches haven't been awesome with the transients but I was missing the regular residents. As we headed out on our 5:30pm sunset whale watch we heard the reports that a mixture of J, K, and L pods were heading our way from Victoria! The whales booked it our way and we caught up with them around Eagle Point and traveled north with them all the way past Lime Kiln to Andrews Bay. Along the way we watched them porpoise and travel speeds close to 10 knots!! We got some nice close looks at the J14s, and many other whales that were moving too fast to get a confirmed ID. It was a beautiful trip and we got to circumnavigate San Juan Island.

Naturalist Chelsea

M/V Sea Lion

San Juan Safaris

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