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Sea Lions and Whales and Harbor Seal Tails...

Another gorgeous afternoon spent in the San Juan Islands...

Upon departing Friday Harbor we motored south and within 15 minutes spotted a group of Pacific Harbor Seals.  The seals were taking advantage of the beautiful weather and were hauled out on the rocks enjoying their midday siestas.   Within minutes we spotted our next species, a mature bald eagle perched at the top of a tree.  Amazing.  I never get enough of seeing these majestic birds.

As our journey continued south we saw 15 Steller Sea Lions sprawled out across the rocky shores of Whale Rocks.  The Sea lions always look so comfortable lounging on the rocky shores; it must help to have a thick blubber layer as a barrier.  Another 3 Sea Lions were swimming in the water, perhaps taking a dip to cool off.

Next we cruised out to Salmon Bank where we spent time viewing a mysterious Minke Whale.  We definitely participated in whale aerobics, crossing from one side of the boat to the other for viewing, as the Minke Whale kept us guessing on where it would surface next.  The Minke Whale did surprise us by surfacing and swimming towards our boat.  We were all excited to see where the whale would surface next and a collective "Ahhhhh" echoed from the boat as the whale crossed 100 yards directly behind us!

What a Fan-Tastic day!

Naturalist Amy, San Juan Safaris




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