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Southern Resident Killer Whales

Members of the Southern Resident Killer Whale population were observed along the west side of San Juan Island near Lime Kiln State Park (48°31.53N, 123°10.47W).  We first saw L87, “Onyx”, an adult male that frequently spends time with members of J-Pod.  Closer to shore we identified J26, “Mike”, another large, mature male.  We suspected J26 to be foraging as he was changing direction quickly and frequently; his nearly 6 foot tall dorsal fin slicing through the water at all angles as he maneuvered. 

Another group of at least 10 whales from J-Pod were traveling in close proximity to each other, near shore.  This group included adult females, one sub-adult male, and one calf; among them was J27, “Blackberry”, a 21 year old male.  The whales were slowly traveling north before they decided to perform a number of surface behaviors:  one whale spy-hopped, not once but twice then the calf entertained us with a wee breach, while a few other whales lobtailed.

What a great way to spend a gorgeous, sunny afternoon.

Amy, Naturalist, San Juan Safaris Whale Watching and Wildlife Tours

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