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Southern Resident Killer Whales, plus Not One, but TWO Humpbacks!

Bigg's Killer Whales in the Strait of Juan de Fuca

Piper | Sunday, August 18, 2019 | M/V Kestrel | 11:00 AM

Leaving the docks today, Captain Gabe and I felt very lucky to be taking a group of guests on the water because the Southern Resident Killer Whales were still here! We began our trip by heading north in San Juan Channel, but before we could even hit full speed we slowed because a very majestic bald eagle was perched in a tree overlooking the water.

We stopped to get some nice photos before continuing toward Spieden Channel, where we headed west, checking out some more soaring eagles and turkey vultures as well as many harbor seals hauled out on Sentinel Island!

We motored just across the way to Henry Island, where quite a few J Pod whales were moving north along the shore. We watched them traveling out into the Haro, towards Canadian waters before we peeled away and went off to find other wildlife!

There had been reports of some humpbacks in the Strait of Georgia, so we rounded Turn Point on Stuart Island and headed across Boundary Pass, catching up with a boat that was watching a humpback, they left and we scanned the horizon, waiting for the animal to come up from a deep dive.

Not long later, there was not one, but two blows on the horizon! We had two humpbacks swimming right next to each other! One of these whales had already been identified as Raptor (BCY0458), but we had to wait for the second animal to fluke before we could get an ID.

It finally did and I could immediately see that the other animal was Heather (BCY0160)! These two female humpbacks have been known to swim together in this area, but they’d split earlier this summer; it was so great to see them back together! We watched as these two fluked again and again before having to leave. Another wonderful day on the adventure boat!

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