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Southern Residents Everywhere!

For the last two days the M/V Sea Lion and guests have been enjoying watching our Southern Resident Killer Whales. These Orcas are notorious for feeding on Chinook Salmon and do so at about 300-400 lbs per day! We've been seeing some great foraging behavior lately as well as lot's of social behavior! We've seen them feeding, breaching, spyhoping, cartwheeling, logging, and even mating! These Orcas are very social and love to vocalize. One of everyone's favorite things about the Residents is when we drop the hydrophone into the water, you can hear them talking and echo-locating as we watch them. It's a wonderful feeling.

We can also tell who we're watching and can tell family ties through their synchronized breathing! Here's a few of the Residents we've been getting up close looks at:

J2- Granny (est. born 1911) K13-Skagit (born 1972)
J8- Spieden (est. born 1933) K21- Cappaccino (born 1986)
J29- Eclipse (born 2005) K26- Lobo (born 1993)
J27- Blackberry (born 1991)
J16- Slick (born 1972) L41- Mega (born 1977)
J26- Mike (born 1991) L78- Gaia (born 1989)
J42- Echo (born 2007)
J34- Doubble Stuff (born 1998)
J22- Orea (born 1985)
J32- Rhapsody (born 1996)

Heather, Naturalist, M/V Sea Lion
San Juan Safaris

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